Tree Manuals Tree and Shrub Injury Symptoms in Lawns Treated with Imprelis Herbicide Before you order tree seedlings Autumn Colors Selecting Landscape Plants: Shade Trees Selecting Landscaping Plants: Flowering Trees Uncommon Trees for Specimen Planting Selecting Landscape Plants: Needled Evergreens Selecting Landscape Plants: Broad-leaved Evergreens Growing Azaleas and Rhododendrons Selected Ground Covers for Missouri Selecting Landscape Plants: Ornamental Vines How to Plant a Tree Fertilizing Shade Trees Pruning and Care of Shade Trees First Aid for Storm-Damaged Trees Pruning Ornamental Shrubs Irrigating Trees and Shrubs During Summer Drought Leaf Scorch of Ornamental Trees and Shrubs Preventing Construction Damage to Trees Tree Placement on Home Grounds Grafting Budding Insect Borers of Fruit Trees The Bagworm in Missouri The Mimosa Webworm in Missouri Periodical Cicadas in Missouri Insect Defoliators of Missouri Trees: Colony Feeders Insect and Mite Galls on Missouri Trees Twig Girdler and Twig Pruner Establishment and Care of Woody Ornamentals Pruning Ornamental Trees and Shrubs